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Red Bull, Tanner Hall, Eric Iberg, Inspired Media, Retallack: The Movie rock LA at X-Dance premiere!

Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 @ 08:34:57 AM – THE SKI CHANNEL

This reporter has been to many an LA premiere of a ski film.  Back in the day Warren Miller used to pack the Santa Monica Civic.  Poor Boyz Triple Threat certainly nailed the mansion show last year and without getting too mired in conflict of interest, The Ski Channel killed it last year with the Mann’s Chinese Theatre Premiere.  But outside of those and a few more that I probably missed – whew – LA is not Boulder!  It is like wrestling a bear to the ground getting people to come out to a ski film premiere with all the traffic, conflicts, etc.

The premise of 43 people in a 400 seat theatre has been felt by many a filmmaker in this market.  Well chalk one more up in the “big hit” category, because last night at Red Bull’s ridiculessly amazing headquarters, the X-Dance promoted and Inspired Media’s “Retallack: The Movie” stormed in like a lion and sold out not one, but two shows with the super coolest people that Hollywood had to offer.  Before we speak about the movie, if we could a lot of credit to the vibe that Tanner Hall brings to a room…Everyone showed up for one show.  They didn’t know, they would have to have two shows.  Never have 400 people been so polite, respectful and giving to all the X-Dance machiner’s who had to decide who went first and who went second.

The film which was a double feature with one of Inspired’s B&E’s episodes to open was a stunning diplay of POW, POW, POW!  Pillow lines that look like they had to have been made in post.  Half the time you were wondering if the athletes were going to need to be rescued from being swallowed by the pillow as opposed to plow through it.  The skiers were a sensational crew John Spriggs, Ben Moxham, Ian Provo, Neil Provo, Phil Casabon, Henrik Harlaut, Kye Petersen, Callum Pettit and of course Tanner Hall.  The film did a great job of profiling the Selkirk Mountains as well as show the authenticity and appeal of the Retallack cat ski operation.  Guaranteed there was not one person in that theatre who wasn’t dreaming of going to Retallack.  High likelihood that Tanner was getting propositioned right and left by skiers looking to carry wood, pump gas or pimp themselves out for a chance to go there.  Tanner along with Seth Morrison are part of the group that owns Retallack.

The event was an LA who’s who of ski industry notables.  Blake Nyman who is in LA working on a special project was there. The Sundance Ski Resort maven had this to say, “I am super stoked to be here and pumped at this great turnout.   I have been friends with Tanner forever and am really glad to see him still killing it like this.  What a great movie and great event.”  All the crew from Powder Magazine were there including Publisher Ashley Otte and Editor Derek Taylor.  Tanner agent, Tom Yaps was in full effect pressing flesh right and left.  The crew from Armada was all there…in fact, it seemed like the entire action sports industry for Irvine to Carlsbad must have made there trek up North.

Wtih masterpieces like “The Art Of Flight,” “Retallack: The Movie,” “The Grand Bizarre” and not to pimp too huge, but “Winter” the Ski Channel Film Tour offering this fall with music from Bush…this year is proving to be a huge movie year.  In the ski industry, it has been said that snow = skiers, but it is clear to us now that snow = great ski films!