Have a look at the current weather and mountain conditions at Retallack.
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Full Weather and Conditions


Covid-19 & Infectious Disease Safety

Our Commitment To Safety

Summer and winter are special times in the mountains and we are excited to welcome you. We want you to feel safe and we want you to have fun. However, at Retallack, safety is our Number One Priority. This is no different as we navigate the risks associated with COVID-19. In our operations, we are following the guidance of our medical directors, the Provincial Health Authority, WorkSafe BC, and our trade association, HeliCat Canada, in developing processes and protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

Currently, the Province of British Columbia is under a state of Emergency. Accordingly, we and other businesses in the province are subject to Public Safety Orders. These are law and are not optional.

We strongly encourage everyone to do their part and follow the latest BC Public Health Orders and recommendations.

To further prioritize the health and safety of our guests, staff and local communities in response to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases,  we have reimagined the Retallack experience. Aspects of this plan may evolve as health orders, safety guidelines, and recommendations regarding COVID-19 change, and as we learn more about what protocols work best in our operation.

Being transparent regarding the operational changes is two-fold. We want to help ease your concerns regarding attending your trip to Retallack. We also want to ensure that if you choose to attend your trip, that you are willing to comply with the safety measures we have put in place. If you are unable to comply with these new procedures, we kindly ask you to defer your trip to next year. If you do not comply with our COVID-19 procedures, you will not be permitted to attend your trip or may be asked to depart the lodge before the end of your trip. Retallack is committed to preventing workplace harassment, bullying and violence and providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and protected from violence. Workplace harassment (including but not limited to harassing our staff about our COVID-19 or infectious disease protocols), bullying or violence will not be tolerated from any staff member, guest or third parties at Retallack. For more information please see below for our Harassment (Sexual, Physical, Verbal), Bullying & Violence against Retallack Staff Policy.

It takes the compassion, care and personal responsibility of everyone to help us ensure a safe mountain experience for all. With that in mind. we invite you to learn more below about the new procedures and protocols being implemented with your safety, our employees’ safety, and the safety of our local communities.


If you haven’t already, set aside some time to review Retallack’s Trip Planning details. This section covers how to get here in the summer, gear available at the lodge, a suggested packing list, training & prep, insurance, plus helpful information about the border and customs.

Please be very aware of your potential impacts on the small communities near Retallack. An outbreak in a small community could end your trip and work for our employees—but more importantly, it could be devastating for a small community. During this COVID-19 pandemic, the same measures we take to minimize the spread of COVID-19 need to also take place during any future travel plans you may have. Following public health guidelines are an important part of this and include:

  • Stay home and away from others when you’re sick or have symptoms
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid crowded places
  • Practice safe distancing, 2 m
  • Travel only with yourself, household or pandemic bubble
  • Stick to the outdoors whenever possible
  • Clean spaces often
  • Wear a mask in indoor spaces

We also recommend driving for the foreseable future instead of flying if at all possible.

Prior to departing on your trip please complete the following health screen depending upon your location and follow its directions:  For more information on preventing COVID-19 please refer to:


For your safety and that of our guests and staff, if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any of the following cold-like or gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, PLEASE DO NOT SHOW UP AT THE LODGE:

  • New or worsening cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Temperature equal to or over 38°C
  • Feeling feverish
  • Chills
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Muscle or body aches
  • New loss of smell or taste
  • Headache
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting)
  • Feeling unwell
  • Nasal Congestion and/or Runny Nose
  • Sore Throat

Anybody who has experienced gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) must be symptom-free for at least 72 hrs prior to arrival at the lodge. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this protocol, please do contact us at 1-800-330-1433.

You will NOT be allowed to join a Retallack trip if within 14 days prior to the start of your trip:

  • you have travelled from or through a Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory listed country; or
  • you have been in contact with anyone who has travelled from a Level 3 or 4 Travel Advisory listed country in the last 14 days; or
  • you have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Please be advised that you will also undergo additional screening and training on our procedures upon arrival at the lodge. Person(s) who refuse to abide by Retallack’s safety conditions will be asked to leave Retallack’s premises immediately. No refunds or credits will be given in this situation. Under no circumstances will Retallack be responsible for any person’s costs or inconvenience as a result of being asked to leave Retallack’s premises.


  • Please remember to arrive before the scheduled 6:30 pm dinner on the first day of your trip. Departure is after après on the 3rd day of riding, at approximately 4:00 pm. Please contact us if you’ll be arriving at the lodge sooner or later than the suggested time.
  • Upon arrival at the lodge, please wear a proper mask or face covering, practice physical distancing of at least 2 metres and do not shake hands, high five, fist bump, hug, etc.
  • Access to the lodge is restricted to only staff and guests.
  • All guests and staff will be required to sanitize and/or wash their hands prior to undergoing health screening and/or entering the lodge.
  • On-arrival health screening will take place in a tent on the front lawn. Health screeners will be in protective gear.
  • Health screening will include obtaining and recording 1) signs and symptoms 2) travel history 3) contact tracing and/or cohort information 4) temperature assessment 5) and pulse oximetry (SpO2). No person(s) will be allowed entry into the lodge without undergoing health screening & clearance.
  • Hard-case guest luggage and equipment (i.e. bikes, skis, gear, etc.) will be disinfected and/or disinfecting wipes made available to guests.
  • Each guest will be issued a wellness kit that contains a 1) a surgical mask 2) a specialized in-vehicle mask with additional layers of protective filters 3) a small bottle of hand sanitizer 4) a mask pouch and 5) Retallack stickers.
  • All guests and staff are required to wear masks at all times while inside the lodge and in vehicles. The only exception will be during dining or if a person is outside and at least 2 metres away from all other person(s) not in their cohort.
  • Boxes of surgical masks, hand sanitizer stations and disinfectant wipes are located throughout the lodge so feel free to use liberally and maintain good hand hygiene.
  • Please follow all posted signage accordingly.


  • During this current pandemic, alcohol consumption poses one of the greatest risks. ALL GUESTS ARE REQUESTED TO BE PARTICULARLY MINDFUL ABOUT THEIR ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AND MODERATE IT ACCORDINGLY.
  • All guests are not permitted to bring their own alcohol to Retallack Lodge and will be asked to leave it in their own vehicle.
  • Any alcohol on the premises must be purchased under our liquor license. Retallack Lodge is stocked with a full selection of beers and spirits and has a full range of boutique British Columbia wines along with a limited selection of high-end wines from around the world.
  • All guests are required to be seated while consuming alcohol. Please place your order with a server who will bring your drink to where you are seated. Please do not walk up to the bar and congregate around it.
  • As per current British Columbia liquor regulations, last call is at 10 pm and the bar must be closed by 11 pm.


  • All guests will be required to complete a pre-trip health screen prior to arriving at the lodge. Prior to departing on your trip please complete the following health screen depending upon your location and follow its directions:
  • All guests will be required to sign an electronic waiver prior to arriving at the lodge.
  • All guests will be required to undergo daily health screenings including temperature and pulse oximetry checks and receive appropriate training to ensure safety.


  • On mountain, our vast outdoor setting makes physical distancing easy. But in the lodge where it is more difficult to do so, we will have signage and decals to ensure guests remain 2 metres apart.
  • All guests and staff will be required to wear masks at all times while inside the lodge and in vehicles. The only exception will be during dining or if a person is outside and at least 2 metres away from all other person(s) not in their cohort.
  • Plexiglass and/or plastic barriers have been installed in areas where physical distancing measures are not possible, including at points of purchase.
  • Where possible guests will be allocated to a single room or a room with their travelling party.
  • Employees may limit the number of guests in any area of Retallack to ensure proper physical distancing (e.g. dining room, bar, indoor facilities, common spaces, etc.).


  • Under no circumstances are guests allowed to enter the lodge kitchen, the guides room, staff accommodation buildings, other support buildings or the mechanic shop.
  • Guests are encouraged to only use their own room’s washroom. Under no circumstances are guests allowed to use staff washrooms.
  • Staff are only allowed to use staff washrooms.
  • Staff are only permitted to certain areas (e.g. kitchen) based on their role and level of training.


  • All employees are required to wear a mask and follow the company’s safety protocols and procedures at all times, including regular hand washing and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and personal protective garments (PPG).
  • Employees will undergo daily health screenings and temperature pulse oximetry checks and receive appropriate training to ensure safety.
  • Employees are required to stay at home if sick.


  • High-touch surfaces will be frequently cleaned and disinfected with approved products that kill the COVID-19 virus and other viruses and germs.
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting will take place daily in our lodge, facilities and vehicles, frequently throughout the day.
  • Electrostatic sprayers are used to ensure that hard-to-reach surface areas are cleaned and disinfected.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be provided throughout Retallack Lodge. Frequent handwashing is required of guests and staff.
  • Cashless transactions are highly preferred.


  • Industrial air exhaust fans have been installed in all snowcats that result in a full air exchange approximately every 30 seconds.
  • Medical-grade air purifiers have been installed throughout the lodge that filter particles and kill viruses.
  • It is important to note that one of the best ways that you can reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 (in addition to following the aforementioned public health guidelines) is to recognize that loud talking, particularly in indoor spaces, greatly increases the risk of transmission. The reason for this is that the louder a person talks or sings the more respiratory droplets (i.e. that may contain viruses) they expel and the further these droplets are projected. Therefore in addition to being diligent about wearing your mask properly, the more you and others talk quietly, the safer everyone will be. Please always keep this general principle in mind, particularly during dining or in the back of the snowcat.


Retallack is committed to preventing workplace harassment, bullying and violence and providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and protected from violence. Workplace harassment, bullying or violence will not be tolerated from any staff member, guest or third parties at Retallack.

Harassment (including sexual, physical, or any inappropriate vexatious conduct or comment by a person towards a worker that the person knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that worker to be humiliated, offended or intimidated), bullying, and violence at Retallack is unacceptable from anyone in and around these premises.

Retallack will take whatever steps are reasonable to protect our workers from workplace harassment, bullying and violence from all sources. By entering Retallack’s premises you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Retallack, its respective directors, officers, employees, guides, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors, representatives, successors, and assigns from and against any liabilities, losses, claims, demands, costs (including without limitation legal fees) and expenses arising in connection with the application and enforcement of this policy. You also agree that any rights, duties and obligations that may arise between the parties to this policy shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and no other jurisdiction.

Guests or third parties that violate this policy may be subject to the following actions at the sole discretion of Retallack management:

  • Be asked to leave Retallack’s premises;
  • Be permanently or temporarily banned from Retallack’s premises;
  • Be reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) whose detachments are located in nearby Kaslo and New Denver.

Under no circumstances is Retallack responsible for the guests’ or third parties’ inconvenience or travel expenses or for providing a refund or future credit as a result of the application or enforcement of this policy.

Retallack staff (including managers, supervisors, sub-contractors, and workers) are expected to uphold both this policy and Retallack’s internal Workplace Harassment, Bullying and Violence Policy, and will be held accountable by Retallack to work together to prevent workplace harassment, bullying and violence. Any incidents of sexual/physical/verbal harassment, bullying or violence are to be immediately reported by either guests or staff members to Retallack management.

We’ll continue to review and update our policies to adhere to the most up-to-date practices to keep our guests and staff safe.

For more information please see our COVID-19 Safety Plan.