Have a look at the current weather and mountain conditions at Retallack.
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Full Weather and Conditions


Trip Insurance – Biking

We strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation, trip interruption and medical insurance.  Your insurance broker can advise you about other types of insurance you may require, such as disability, life, and personal property insurance.


Retallack provides Emergency Medical Coverage including Ambulance/Evacuation insurance as part of your package purchase. This coverage will only be in place while you are our guest. All claims do require that you be seen by a physician.

We understand that occasionally events occur that prevent you from joining us for your ski or bike vacation. Please pay special attention to our Cancellation and Refunds Terms.

To avoid any financial hardship that an unexpected cancellation or interruption could cause, we strongly recommend purchasing Trip Cancellation/Interruption to protect your trip investment. Trip Cancellation/Interruption costs about 5% of your trip cost and it’s worth the peace of mind!

Contact our preferred provider Acera Insurance and they can provide you with a quote for Trip Cancellation/Interruption insurance.

Trip Cancellation & Interruption

Cancellation will insure the prepaid non-refundable travel costs before you depart. Interruption covers off your lost trip and unexpected out of pocket costs if your trip is interrupted after you start your trip.

What can happen? Missed connections, schedule changes, your own accident or injury, a travel companion or family member becomes ill, or even loss of employment. These events could cause you to cancel your trip or cause a disruption. Generally, Trip Cancellation costs about 5% of your trip cost and it’s worth the peace of mind. It is highly recommended that all guests purchase Trip Cancellation/Interruption.

Important Notice:

Backcountry or regional restriction/closure or evacuation due to avalanche risk, state of emergency or civil authority, that cause you to interrupt or cancel your vacation is not covered by insurance and will not be reimbursed or refunded by Retallack.

Note that inclement weather, poor conditions that impact the quality or enjoyment of your trip is not covered by insurance providers.

Visiting Canada as a Tourist

Most people need a Visa or an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to fly to or transit through Canada. (US Citizens will only require a passport).

Be prepared: Apply for an eTA as soon as possible. Most applicants are approved within minutes. However, there is the possibility of a delay or a denial.

It is recommended you arrange your eTA as soon as possible to pre-determine your entry status.

Retallack, is not responsible, or liable to make any refunds, for guests who are denied an eTA. Note that a denied or delayed eTA or denied entry at the Canadian Border is not covered by Travel Insurance.

Other Insurance

Please note that no insurance provider currently provides a policy that covers inclement weather or dangerous snow conditions during your catskiing or boarding trip. Retallack reserves the right to cancel at any time without notice. Under no circumstances is Retallack responsible for the guest’s inconvenience or travel expenses in this situation.

Currency Exchange

Once you arrive at Retallack Lodge, there is no need for cash. All expenses at the lodge will be added to your account and charged to your credit card on file. If you decide to tip, many guests prefer to tip in cash – either Canadian or US currency is accepted. You may also use your credit card to tip

Canadian bank machines will accept most ATM cards and dispense Canadian bills in return. If you are concerned, check with your bank about its exchange rates before leaving home. Downtown Nelson has plenty of ATM machines and is home to the Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank, and a Credit Union. Credit Unions with ATMs are also available in the nearby towns of Kaslo and New Denver.

*You can check the Canadian dollar’s current exchange rate at

Other Tips

Be sure to stretch each morning before you ride, and every evening after you return to the lodge. Sign up with our massage therapist to work any remaining kinks. You’ll ride much better and reduce the likelihood of injury.

We look forward to sharing our backcountry mountain biking paradise with you! Check out our summer packages and availability calendar or for additional information and reservations please contact us.